July 27, 2021
You Deserve To Live Your Best Life!
Harness The Power Of
Human Emotional Response Optimization™
To Eliminate Fear, Anxiety & Confusion
To Be More Clear & Confident!
What Makes Us Unique?
Brain Science Meets Mysticism!
Our Signature H.E.R.O. Method™ uses Human Emotional Response Optimization™ which comes from decades of experience with thousands of clients worldwide solving some of the greatest challenges, deepest traumas and emotional upsets of life.
THE RESULT: A Unique Method that literally aligns your mind to access more chill out and less freak out while connecting to your natural intuitive abilities crystal clear without the clouds and chaos of overwhelm which build a massive confidence and self trust.

We've taken what's worked, and packaged it in a way to go at your own pace and build the life you deserve, on your terms!
We give you the tools to rebuild your mental & emotional foundation while you're strengthening your intuitive skills in a unique & proven way.
Zen Ed Academy™ is designed from tens of thousands of hours helping thousands of people all over the world solve life's greatest challenges. The H.E.R.O. Method™️ is fully integrated into all the courses, meditations, and self-paced practices to radically amplify your personal development so you can trust your self and feel confident, FASTER!
What Is Human Emotional Response Optimization™️?
It is THE simplest, most stable way to
Experience Peace, Clarity & Confidence
In The Next 30 Days
We weave our unique methodology of Human Emotional Response Optimization™️ using the H.E.R.O. Method™️ into everything we do in Zen Ed Academy™ to literally align your brain in the most efficient way possible to build your intuitive gifts RAPIDLY on a solid mental and emotional foundation with the unique and proven training, education & techniques that have already worked for thousands of people all over the world.
You will experience our unique, proven combination of Emotional Foundation, Supportive Community, & Intuitive Expansion to unlock TRUE Transformation.
This is the secret sauce we call The Emotional Powerhouse Strategy™
The most effective, most efficient way to experience a life filled with peace, clarity, and confidence!
Emotional Foundation + Quality Education + Intuitive Expansion = The Emotional Powerhouse Strategy™
Here's a Secret Insider Tip:
Intuitive Powers (Yes, ALL of them) are a function of the mind! As a function of the mind, they can be trained like an Olympic Athlete trains those amazing super human abilities.
Why Your Mental State Matters!
We've got two main parts of our brain.
What we like to call the Freak Out Center, and the Chill Out Center.
When we're freaked out, we can't chill out.
As we learn HOW to properly chill out, it takes much more for us to freak out.
Our brain is wired with a Hair Trigger, Fight Or Flight response. That response is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that protects us from perceived threats.
It keeps us safe when we actually need it.
It's doing it's job, right?
Yes, your brain is working perfectly as designed IF there were an actual threat to your life. Most of the time though, it gets triggered from stress that we BELIEVE is an actual threat.
We forgot how to shake it off.
Relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga are great for helping us to chill out.
BUT, what if there were a way to make that chill out state even more long lasting so that we freak out less, and chill out more?
Since 2004 we've spent tens of thousands of hours with thousands of clients who were dealing with a wide range of issues, many of which trauma or stress related.
Because of that work, we've created this Unique Method that we call The H.E.R.O. Method™ that can bring you More CHILL OUT and Less FREAK OUT, easily!
AND we integrate that into EVERYTHING we do!
According to Harvard
"People can learn techniques to counter the stress response."
One of the most important things they mention to counter stress are integrated into everything we do:
Triggering The Relaxation Response (Guided Meditations in Zen Ed Academy™️)
According to Psychology Today
The term "Relaxation Response" was coined by Dr. Herbert Benson, professor, author, cardiologist, and founder of Harvard's Mind/Body Medical Institute.
The Relaxation Response is essentially the opposite reaction to the "fight or flight" response.
According to the American Psychological Association
Herbert Benson, MD of Harvard Medical School discovered the relaxation response's power to reduce stress in the 1960s
His subsequent research found that the approach is really no different from what people have done for centuries through prayer, chanting and repetitive motion.
"You can use the mind like you would use a drug," he said. "This should empower you in your practices."
"His latest research, published in the online journal Public Library of Science ONE (July 2), suggests that practicing the relaxation response can actually lead to genomic activity changes. In the study, his team of researchers looked at how the relaxation response affected each of the body's 40,000 genes and found that, compared with a control group, those who regularly used the relaxation response induced anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory changes that counteracted the effects of stress on the body."
With regular practice, clients develop quieter minds.
"With less static, less noise, traditional cognitive restructuring enters," said Dr. Benson. "People listen better. It's a more fertile environment, so you can do what you are so well trained to do -- the cognitive work, the positive ideation. It's a door opening to allow you to help change people's lives."
Building a strong mental & emotional foundation improves your ability to learn, grow & unlock your full potential.
Here's how to get started:
Free Webinar:
Understanding Spirit Guides
How To Hear & Understand Your Spirit Guides
If you've ever wanted to know how to hear & understand your spirit guides, this free webinar is perfect for you!
(This is a Webinar Replay, but we do check the comments & questions daily.)
New? Start Here!
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Join Zen Ed Academy™ & Change Your Life!
Discover the simplest, most stable way to Experience Peace, Clarity & Confidence In The Next 30 Days!
Stay up to date with the latest tips & tools for unlocking peace, clarity & confidence while eliminating stress, anxiety & freak out.
Meet The Founders
(This Is Our Life's Work!)
David & Heather have spent their lives dedicated to cracking the code of the human experience by recognizing patterns across life, studying how the mind works, where beliefs come from and how people can use mental constructs to release trapped or blocked emotions and energy, and how to unlock the deeper parts of their mind to calm the primal mind and improve the evolved mind while growing and becoming more human along the way.
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Watch The Story Of A Human Trafficking & Hostage Survivor Overcoming Trauma, Anxiety & Depression