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Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

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Day 7: The Self-Love Blueprint: Create Habits Of Self-Love

Today is about spiritual self-care, habits, rituals, and personal growth.

Today's Topics:

  • Importance Of Community Interaction & Self-Love
  • Examples Of Self-Care Habits/Rituals
  • Difference Between Conscious Habits/Rituals & Empty Routines
  • The Power Of Habits/Rituals
  • Embedding Significant Events In Your Psyche
  • Powerful Stories About Facing Challenges In Life
  • Tips For Facing Doubts & Insecurities
  • Tips To Achieve Lasting Self-Love & Self-Acceptance
Thumbnail Day 7: The Self-Love Blueprint: Create Habits Of Self-Love Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

First, Watch The Video

  • Step 1 - Watch The Video

    • Tap the image to watch the video on YouTube.
    • Create Habits Of Self-Love - Journey deep into powerful habits, rituals, and personal growth. Discover the importance of community interaction. It's time to embed your life with powerful rituals and habits to keep your Self-Love Alive! This is the Self-Love Blueprint! Leave a comment with your experience on the video.
  • Step 2 - Leave A Comment

    • Leave A Comment Of Your Experience On The Video
Play Video Day 7: The Self-Love Blueprint: Create Habits Of Self-Love (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Then, Do The Meditation

  • Step 3 - Do The Meditation

    • Tap the image to do the Guided Meditation on YouTube.
    • Own Your Power. Honor Your Strength. - It's finally time for your Epic Battle! The Harry Potter & Voldemort moment. Neo & Agent Smith. The Big Showdown! This is the moment we've all been waiting for… But, you can't pass through the gates into THIS Arena with all your old programs and beliefs. It's time to get Raw & Real, Vulnerable, and Deep in order for you to unlock your TRUE Strength so you can step into your Authentic Power! Comment on the video with your experience.
  • Step 4 - Leave A Comment

    • Leave A Comment Of Your Experience On The Video
Play Meditation Day 7: Own Your Power Honor Your Strength (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Then, Post Your Homework

  • Step 5 - Post Your Homework

    • Do The Homework Of The Day
    • Be A Hero! Share Your Story... - You can't nurture self-love, which comes from being proud of yourself and knowing what you can do life, if you don't challenge yourself.
      • Our challenge to you, put yourself out there, share your experience in the group, take yourself to the next level.
      • This challenge is designed to really push you out of your comfort zone and step into GENUINE self-love.
      • So your homework for today is to share your experience in the group. Let us know how this challenge changed your life.
      • Let us know in the group what you got from this challenge this time? What was your experience?
    • Comment on the post in the group with your experience.
  • Step 6 - Share In The Group

    • Post Your Homework In The Facebook Group
Homework (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge



Inactive Video Day 1: Practice Self-Care (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Practice Self-Care


Inactive Video Day 2: Overcome Self-Loathing (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Overcome Self-Loathing


Inactive Video Day 3: Reclaim Your Power (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Reclaim Your Power


Inactive Video Day 4: Become Your Own Hero (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Become Your Own Hero


Inactive Video Day 5: Live Your Impossible Dream (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Live Your Impossible Dream


Inactive Video Day 6: Build Self-Esteem & Self-Acceptance (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Build Self-Esteem & Self-Acceptance


Play Video Day 7: The Self-Love Blueprint: Create Habits Of Self-Love (Thumbnail) Zen Ed Academy's Free 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

The Self-Love Blueprint:
Create Habits Of Self-Love

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Meet The Founders Of Zen Ed Academy™️

Las Vegas Life Coach David A Caren, Heather Kim Rodriguez, Zen Rose Garden, Zen Ed Academy, Zen Head Community

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD

& David A Caren, CHt

Founders of Zen Ed Academy™️
& Zen Rose Garden™️

Tens Of Thousand Of Client Hours

With Thousands Of Clients Worldwide

Solving Life's Greatest Challenges!

Healing your heart, hacking your mind & connecting your soul so that you can Love Yourself, Trust Yourself & Live Your Passionate Purpose.

Zen Ed Academy, Zen Rose Garden, Zen Head Community, Human Emotional Response Optimization, H.E.R.O. Method, As Seen On

About David & Heather

Meet Heather & David. With a thirst for knowledge and an intense desire to help other people grow, they're dedicated to Helping People Create Badass Lives.

Since 2008, David & Heather have spent tens of thousands of hours helping thousands of clients worldwide (And gained 500+ 5-Star Reviews) Crack open the subconscious programs & beliefs that have held you captive for decades, So That… you can finally breathe that sweet, fresh air of freedom!

They've learned through their work that Self Growth & Developing Your Intuition for a Badass Life go together like Sushi and Sapporo!

Their Goal... Personal Development With A Metaphysical Twist...

Blending The Science Of Self Growth With The Magic Of Mysticism!

They've delved into cracking the codes to their own healing and pass on that wealth of information to their students across the world.

You can also catch them on YouTube as they Drop Brain Juice all over the Interwebs.

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Customers served! 6000 Client Hours!

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Customers served! 6000 Clients Worldwide!


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"I have seen a lot of practitioners and David and Heather are the real deal."

"The way they work in partnership is quite an extraordinary experience.

They are also quite funny, which I believe is a sign of enlightenment.

I highly recommend them."

Robert Richman

Author of the Culture Blueprint | Culture Architect & Creator Of The X-Pill

"Heather and David are nothing short of miraculous."

"This is the perfect way to feed my soul, and touch base with all that is important.

I appreciate their insight as well as humor.

I can feel every shift in my body as they carefully and respectfully guide me towards balance and a restored spirit.

The wisdom they share lasts long after the session ends.

I am always grateful to these soul doctors :)"

Anna Vance

Owner @ Anna Vance

"I have been a client of Heather and David's for over 10 years."

"Each experience with them is vital to me at that moment.

They are able to dig deep into any blocks and help find the chosen path.

Each time I leave their helping hands, I feel alive, charged, and focused!"

Holly Caudle

Life Coach & X-Pill Instrumentor

Customers served! 350 +   5 star reviews

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© Copyright - 2004-2023 Zen Ed Academy™️ | Self Growth & Intuition Courses With A Connected Community

Las Vegas Life Coach David A Caren, Heather Kim Rodriguez, Zen Rose Garden, Zen Ed Academy, Zen Head Community

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, C.Ht.

Founders Of Zen Ed Academy™️ & Zen Rose Garden™️

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