Welcome Aboard #ZenHead
Please Check Your Email
Thank you for joining! Just a few more things to get you set up:
Check Your Email
(If you DON'T have a Teachable Account)
- Find the email with the Subject Line: "Redeem your copy of Zen Ed Academy Membership"
(If you already have a Teachable Account)
- Find the email with the Subject Line: "You are now enrolled in Zen Ed Academy Membership"
Set Up Library Access (This is the hardest part)
(If you DON'T have a Teachable Account)
- Open the email and click the link to Confirm Your Account.
- Select "Create Account" [Bottom Left] & fill in the info.
(If you already have a Teachable Account)
- Open the email and click the link to Access course.
You will be asked to enter your address
- This is so that Teachable can tax us on where you live.
(Any issues, email Admin@ZenEdAcademy.com)
Join The Facebook Group
Join the Zen Head Community on Facebook
- (Make sure you answer the questions):
© 2025, Zen Ed Academy